Our Pricing Transparency Policy
From 6th December 2018, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) requires our law firm “Dean Manson LLP” trading as “Dean Manson LLP Solicitors” to publish our transparent pricing in certain areas of law in which we practice and deliver our legal services.
These figures may however give an indication of our pricing policy and do vary in cases with particular complexities, urgency, importance, implications and location of the matter at hand. That is why we will always give you our cost estimate based on your individual transaction and needs that takes into account the actual features of your transaction. So please feel free to call us to discuss extent of our fees in your particular facts and circumstances.
Of course, if any unexpected complications arise that have an impact on our fees, we would immediately inform you of this and would discuss with you the potential consequences before you incur any extra fees. The areas of practice of our firm are as listed below: